Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So three scenes that would be cool to perform would be; when Miss Havisham catches on fire, the whole boat scene when Compeyson is following Pip and Abel Magwitch, and Pip's first visit to the Satis House and his first visit with Miss Havisham.

First I think it would be really funny to have someone who would play as Miss Havisham act as if they were on fire. With limbs flailing, running around, and screaming. Sure its a little sadistic, but some people would get a kick out of it. It would also be kind of embarrasing running around the classroom like you were on fire, but I'm pretty sure we have people that are willing to do that in our class. The fire was caused because her dress was too close to fire right? Well that's the cause of most bodily fires, but anyways, the person who was Miss Havisham could just stand to close to the fire and start screaming and running around.

The second one is when Compeyson is stalking Abel Magwitch, because they apparently have some history and they hate each other. I think they were in a boat, right? Or just got off a boat, so whoever plays Compeyson could have like a stalker-ish vibe and sneak around everywhere and follow whoever plays Pip and Abel. And Herbert was there too, I think.

The last skit that I think would be the most important and meaningful is when Pip pays his first visit to Satis house and Miss Havisham. Pip's first impression was like that of a little castle in a fantasy book, or maybe a scary haunted house on the inside because there were only candle-light. Estella would be involved too, because she was the one who played cards with Pip when he first came. I think Pip visiting Miss Havisham really sets the story up for the future characters and settings. Somehow everyone in the book is related or has a connection in some way. This scene also portrays Pip's innocence and innocent behavior as he was a young child to go play at Miss Havisham's.


  1. I really liked the idea of acting out Miss Havisham catching on fire! Not only did I not fully understand that part of the book, but it would be hilarious to watch someone act out catching on fire. Great idea!

  2. I like the idea of acting out Miss Havisham being caught on fire. It would most likely be the most entertaining. You had some really good skit ideas.
