Thursday, March 11, 2010

Questions About A Passage

So looking through my annotations, I realized I didn't have any questions. Actually, I didn't know we could have question annotations. So I kind of just found one that was minor and insignificant, even though I want to know the answer. So excuse me if it's not legit enough. Okay, so in the second page of Chapter 31, page 255 to be exact, there's a play that Pip went to. I don't know what it's called, but it is in Denmark and apparently a lot of Danish was there. He did say the 'whole of the Danish nobility.' Anyways, that's not my question. My question is, during the play, when there was some sort of funeral, people were throwing nuts at the actors? I mean, why? Wait, are the actors throwing nuts at the other actors or are audience members throwing them?

I'm actually really confused about the whole play. Why did they go there? What is the point of putting that they watched a play in the middle of a book? I think it must have some sort of significance to the book as a whole because it's actually long, and a major event. So I hearby declare my question to officially be, "What is the importance of the play that Pip, Herbert, and Mr. Wopsle attend in Chapter 31?"

1 comment:

  1. Nikki-
    The play they go to is Hamlet by Shakespeare and it takes place in Denmark. In the play Hamlet is a Danish prince so that's why there's a lot of nobility around. Audience members are throwing nuts at one of the actors because he's not a good actor. Also Mr. Wopsole is an actor in the play(I think he's Hamlet).
