In the play, I was Atticus. I think Atticus is like a bird somehow. Note that somehow is different than 'for whatever reason.' First of all, this is a Bull Finch. I know this isn't really a symbol, but Bull Finch, Atticus Finch? HAHA I'M SO FUNNY. Anyway, I chose this bird because I told my brother just to list animals until I heard one that reminded me of Atticus. Birds are quiet until when they want to be. Then they chirp and annoy the noodles out of you. Unless you like birds. Then they are insightful, kind, and meaningful. Like Atticus. Because he is just polite and gentlemanly to everyone except when he is defending someone. Then he gets serious and talks. You don't really pay attention to birds until they make noise. People didn't really mind Atticus or labeled him as an extensively important person. Until he 'makes noise' meaning talking all important-like during a case. So there.

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